SAP BTP Cloud Workflow Training - Video Mode only

Video Mode Only
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The SAP BTP Workflow course introduces you to the vast potential of SAP Cloud Platform and provides hands-on experience in using this open platform.
The Cloud Foundry environment allows you to create polyglot cloud applications in Cloud Foundry. It contains the SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry runtime service, which is based on the open-source application platform managed by the Cloud Foundry Foundation.
The Cloud Foundry environment enables you to develop new workflows powered by SAP BTP Workflow management subscription and SAP Workflow service. You can leverage a different services like process visibility, process flexibility, integration content, Business rule service to manage workflow end to end.
1. Build, Develop, Deploy, Manage end to end Workflows and Processes
2. Become an SAP BTP Workflow Developer
3. Learn Creation of Workflow Rules and Steps
4. Build Processes and deploy them to Cloud Fondary
5. Create Process visibility and monitor progress of cloud workflows
6. Understand Business application studio workflow development
On completion of this course you will be able to:-
1. SAP BTP, Introduction
2. Platform Concepts - Enviornments, Services, Subscriptions
3. Process Management - Standard Content, Process visibility, Process Flexibility
4. Workflow Development - BAS and Workflow Dev
5. Business Rules in BTP
6. Integrate external systems with SCC
9. API management using API HUB
1. Basic programming knowledge
2. Basic knowledge of Cloud
3. Basic understanding of SAP and Workflow
Learn and Understand Cloud Foundry Workflow development on SAP BTP